Sunny Snacking: The Best and Worst Summer Foods for Braces Wearers

June 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Casadysqortho @ 8:45 pm
Patient with braces eating watermelon.

Summer is the season for enjoying delicious, fresh foods and outdoor barbecues. But if you have braces, the summer cuisine scene can be tricky. Some treats can be harmful to your braces, while others are perfectly safe and satisfying. So, which can you rely on, and which should you avoid? Continue reading to find out the best and worst summer foods for braces wearers!

Good: Fresh Fruit

Summer is bursting with fresh fruits, and many are braces-friendly. Give bananas, berries, grapes, and melons a try! These are not only delicious and hydrating but also easy on your braces. You can also slice up larger fruits like peaches or pears to make them safer for your brackets.

Bad: Corn on the Cob

Corn on the cob is a summer staple, but it’s not braces-friendly at all! Biting into the cob can bend brackets and get small sticky pieces caught in your smile. If you can’t resist, cut the corn off the cob and enjoy it in a bowl to keep your braces safe.

Good: Soft Dairy Products

Cheese lovers rejoice! Soft cheeses like mozzarella, brie, and cottage cheese are safe and enjoyable with braces. You also can’t go wrong with some cool, creamy yogurt. It comes in a variety of flavors and is easy to dress up with honey or fruit for extra sweetness and nutrients.

Bad: Sugary Drinks

Summer is also a time for refreshing drinks, but sugary ones like soda, sweetened iced tea, and lemonade can contribute to tooth decay, especially around braces. Try to stick to water or dilute juices to keep your teeth healthy.

Good: Lean, Tender Meats

Lean, tender proteins like fish and chicken are great for summer barbecues. They’re softer and easier to chew compared to tougher meats. Make sure they’re well-cooked and cut into small, manageable pieces to avoid straining your braces.

Enjoying summer foods with braces doesn’t have to be a challenge. With a little caution and some smart choices, you can savor all the flavors of the season without worrying about your braces. Stay mindful of what you eat and keep your smile healthy and happy all summer long!

About the Author

Dr. Payam Ishani is a talented orthodontist with a passion for education and providing incredible smile solutions for his patients. Even after earning his dental doctorate from the University of California, San Francisco School of Dentistry, and his orthodontic specialty from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, he continues to expand his knowledge to better serve his patients through continuing education. Call (405) 254-5094 to schedule an appointment at Casady Square Orthodontics or visit the website to explore other treatments and services they offer.

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